Wednesday, June 27, 2018

                             "  HEALTHCARE  "

What is Health?

The word "health" derives from Middle English helthe, meaning hale, hearty, sound in wind and limb. Dictionary definitions allude to soundness and efficient functioning and give the same meaning to financial health as to bodily health. Modern medical practice and public health are concerned about the health of individuals and populations. However, for most individuals and for many cultures, health is a philosophical and subjective concept, associated with contentment and often taken for granted when all is going well. Health in this sense is difficult to describe or define, but its absence is readily recognizable, even when replaced by minor departures from an accustomed level of health.
What is healthcare?
Health care or healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the preventiondiagnosis, and treatment of diseaseillnessinjury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings. Healthcare is delivered by health professionals (providers or practitioners) in allied health fieldsPhysicians and physician associates are a part of these health professionals. Dentistrymidwiferynursingmedicineoptometryaudiologypharmacypsychologyoccupational therapyphysical therapy and other health professions are all part of healthcare. It includes work done in providing primary caresecondary care, and tertiary care, as well as in public health.
Why to focus on health?
Health is rooted in everyday life. If children have to walk hours every day to fetch clean water, or become ill because they were never properly immunized, then they are most likely not attending school and bettering themselves. Studies have shown that if a mother dies, then her children are also less likely to survive. If a father is sick or disabled, then he is not able to generate an income and feed his family. At HAS, we eliminate barriers to health so that people can focus on what is important to them — learning, providing for their family, building a home and a future, and realizing their true potential.
Is it really right to say Health is Wealth?
It is very true that Health is Wealth. As, it is only our good health which stay with us in any bad or good circumstances. Nobody in this world can help us in bad times. So, if our health is good, we can bear any bad circumstances in our life. If one is not healthy, he/she would definitely suffer health related or other difficulties in life instead of enjoying the life. 
A good health allows us to work for more time without getting tired. A good health is the real pleasures and charm of life. An unhealthy person always worries about his/her physical or physiological complications. So, it is good to maintain the good health to get rid of all the complications of body as well as successfully face all the challenges of life.

How to maintain good health and nutrition?

  • Don’t skip your breakfast: Breakfast is the first meal of the day, so feed your body with the right nutrients within 30 minutes of waking up. Study reveals that people who skip their breakfast tend to overeat throughout the day.
  • Include fruits and veggies in your meals: When you load your plate with fruits and vegetables during lunch and dinner, you will feel full for a longer time; thus cutting down on your urge for unhealthy snacking. 
  • However, don’t forget to include protein in your meal.
  • Stay away from unhealthy snacking: Unhealthy snacks like crisps,etc contain a lot of empty calories. They may look tempting when you are hungry, but avoid them. If you have to have them, watch your portion size.
  • Hydrate yourself: Keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day will not only give you a flawless skin but also flush out all the toxins from your body. 
                                                      Thanking You!